Welcome to Path 2 Vitality!
You are a Very Important Person - a VIP!
You deserve Vitality, Inspiration & Prosperity - VIP!


 Path 2 Vitality invites you to explore our transformational VIP Programs and video’s.Lao-TSU-mountaintop

  • Meet Master Lama Rasaji in this exclusive interview His story gives a lot of hope to those who suffers from incurable illness, to all of us who like to live a longer healthier life as well as to those of us who are on a path to explore the frontier of human potential. Please do not watch if you don’t want to get your beliefs about what is possible expanded considerably.
  • October 4-6: The circle of Chi. Tai’ Chi Gung 101 & 102. A Weekend of Transformation with Master Lama Rasaji. Friday night is FREE.
  • December 27-31: Eating and cooking for health and happiness. 5 days that will change your relationship to food forever! Healthy food doesn’t ahve to be boring.
  • December 31st: Celebrating new year with likeminded!
  • January 1-5: Source Your Life. Silent Retreat. Self Reflection Program with the tools you need to change your life. Coaching. Your guide is Kristiane Ravn Frost.

All workshops/retreats are known to be transformational in different ways. Check them out!